Meet Us

The church is a family. From tiny tots to those in their 90’s. People with different back grounds, personalities and preferences and yet united because of the amazing love and grace of God shown to us in Jesus Christ.

Some of us grew up in Christian homes and the church, for others the experience is all very new.

We are not perfect people but we know God loved us enough to give his own Son for us. Because of this, we love Him and seek to please Him. His love for us also gives us love for others.

We are all equal in God’s eyes. Everyone is important and needed. We work together as a family, helping each other. All of us have the means to give and serve in some way for the benefit of the whole.

There is always room for more in this family. Whether you are a Christian looking for a church to belong to, or if you are unsure about life, faith, God, the future and are looking for answers and peace, we have been praying for you and really look forward to meeting you.